Mg. Magda Teresa Tacar Holgado


The San Felipe Educational Institution No. 556 of Sicuani houses a population of 176 students between boys and girls of 3, 4 and 5 years old, where teachers work committed to improving teaching in students, this organization and good institutional climate is generated by the director Mg. Magda Teresa Tacar Holgado who is always predisposed to change and new educational challenges.
Now that the activities of the 2024 period of Alma are about to conclude, I wanted to share an experience of teacher Magda, who motivated all her colleagues at the Educational Institution to insert the activities and strategies of the Alma methodology in their unit programming and session planning of the teachers who work at said institution, making it a work policy of all teachers to promote complex thinking and socio-emotional well-being. This action by the director shows commitment and the good will to promote challenges to improve the teaching of learning in students. I think that Professor Magda has been able to understand the importance of the strategies that Alma facilitates through its online training programs and on-site support.
For this year, one of the important achievements that they had as an Institution is to win the Good Practices contest at the institutional level offered by Alma, in which they presented the project called “We implemented the green areas of the Educational Institution to improve our health, reading various texts about the environment and sharing with our fellow teachers and parents” implemented with Alma’s proposal. Upon learning that they were winners, they felt great emotion and all the teachers expressed that teamwork leads them to achieve many objectives and goals for the learning of their children.
The director and the teaching staff of the San Felipe Educational Institution are very grateful for having the opportunity to participate in Alma’s program since it helps them a lot in their professional training and pedagogical practices.