
Being able to see results

This year is the first year that the Alma Foundation is working with students. They are university students who are training for five years to be teachers in Bolivian public schools at the Clara Parada Higher Teacher Training School in Pinto. In order to get to this point last year we did a lot of […]


This year we decided to carry out an activity requested by our local partner, the Beni Department of Education. The activity consisted of a contest of pedagogical proposals prepared and applied by teachers in their classrooms, we launched the call expecting low participation, because in similar events called at the national level, no more than […]


Around the world administrators, teachers, parents, and students are beginning to step back into the classroom. Many are excited to “get back to normal” and forget about online learning. In most schools in Peru and Bolivia, due to isolated locations and lack of access to hardware, online learning was never an option to begin with. […]

Emotional Wellbeing

One of the most interesting pieces of using our Alma methodology within the official state curriculum and adapting it to remote and virtual learning has been seeing how many obstacles to distance learning are actually just obstacles to learning exasperated by the distance. We always need to keep students engaged, always need to get parents […]

Parents Manual

By early August, Alma will have trained over 10,000 teachers in Bolivia and Peru; helping them to connect the gap between theoretical national curriculums and practical classroom implementation, all within the context of remote and virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our distance learning proposal was adopted first by the largest province in Cusco, […]

COVID-19 Pivots

As I write this, the number of reported cases and deaths in Peru and Bolivia is not “flattening” and the situation is dire. Trinidad, our base in Bolivia, has the highest per-capita caseload in the country and the total cases in Peru puts them 10th in the world (twice as many cases as in China). […]

Alma Alumni Spotlight

Robert, Armando, Rider and Wilber are all Alma Foundation Alumni’s. Robert and Armando are studying nursing, Rider is from Monte Cristo and studies veterinary medicine. Wilber is from Nuevo Amanecer and studies business administration. These four students work exceptionally hard to to reach their goals and, once they have finished their education, plan go back […]


My name is Nataly, I am 14 years old, I have lived in the Alalay Children’s Home for the last 6 months. I study here, eat here, and sleep here. This is my home. Before living in Alalay my life was not easy. My siblings and I were constantly trying to run away from home […]

Quispichani Training

In the months before the start of the school year, Alma is already hard at work training our teachers and developing culturally meaningful lesson plans in Peru and Bolivia. This year, however, we are happy to have the added challenge of working with the local branch of the Ministry of Education in the UGEL Quispicanchi. […]

Ines & Xavier Say I Do

Alma would like to thank Ines and Xavier for thinking of Alma on their special day!  Ines and Xavier are both engineers and university graduates who value education. For this reason, they have decided to ask for your support in the Alma Alumni Program. The Alma Alumni Program provides financial support and mentorship to students […]

Our Five Year Annual Report

  “Five years later Alma has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations.” Five years ago, disappointed with the work being done by two Peruvian charities that I was supporting, I founded the Alma Children’s Education Foundation with the intent on improving the lives of children in remote indigenous communities in Peru. I hoped that a few […]

Alma Beach Volleyball Tournament

Hi Friends! Come join us for an afternoon of sun, fun and volleyball! On August 14th, the Young Leaders at Alma are hosting a beach volleyball tournament at Ashbridges Bay. Get ready to show off your volleyball skills! Volleyball players will be sorted into teams. Each team will represent one of our education projects in Peru or […]


Benjamin is a recent grad from the Ivey Business School at Western University. After spending his final semester of study in Barcelona, Benjamin realized his passion for travel, especially in expanding his perspective by meeting and learning from new people. In his spare time Benjamin enjoys cooking, scuba-diving, playing basketball, and reading. His recent reads […]