The Specialization course in Pedagogical Innovation is a means by which teachers are accompanied to strengthen their capacities.
Currently, the educational authorities have assumed this challenge, with the participation of 19 Specialists from the Cusco Regional Education Management(GEREDUC) and 28 Specialists from the various UGELs of the Cusco region who fulfill the role of tutors in the course, which is It has been running progressively through the development of the modules proposed each month with the participation of 554 teachers from the Cusco Region who were targeted by their UGEL specialists, of which 289 are from the initial level and 265 teachers are from the primary level. .
But this has not been easy, because it is a totally different year due to the return to face-to-face attendance and the work overload due to activities that should have been carried out last year, which have been postponed due to the social situation and political problems, such as For example, promotion evaluations, managers and the formation of evaluation committees for admission to the CPM (Carrera Publica Magisterial=Public Teaching Career).
Despite these difficulties, it is meritorious to recognize that the interest and motivation on the part of the GEREDUC and UGEL’s specialists is maintained to be able to meet the educational needs of the region through the strengthening of their teachers with the support of the Specialization.