Daily Archives: August 22, 2024


Talking with the students of ESFM Juan Misael Saracho, we realized that the professional practices they do are not usually an easy task and that one of the main questions they ask themselves when facing this challenge, especially in the last years of training, is How am I going to teach? In order for students […]

Teacher’s Day

Last June 6th, our country celebrated the day of the Bolivian teacher and I decided to investigate for the first time why this celebration is held. It turns out that the chosen date corresponds to the birth of Modesto Omiste Tinajeros, a native of Potosí who is considered the father of education in our country […]

Being able to see results

This year is the first year that the Alma Foundation is working with students. They are university students who are training for five years to be teachers in Bolivian public schools at the Clara Parada Higher Teacher Training School in Pinto. In order to get to this point last year we did a lot of […]


This month we carried out diagnostic evaluations in our focused and control IIEE to see how we can improve our courses and thus continue strengthening the teaching capacities of all the teachers involved in our courses in our region. This evaluation was carried out by students from the Uriel García and Pukllasunchis Institutes of Cusco; […]